7 thoughts on “How to delete WordPress account – Step By Step Guide 2024”

  1. Hey Akash Singh ,

    Great post with effective tips to delete wordpress account. Also thanks for including the helpful video on your post.

    Every time i gain helpful ideas and knowledge while scrolling through your blog post and i must say that you have suggested helpful tips and steps to delete wordpress account.

    WordPress is one of a popular blogging platform that allows the users to create quality content and doing other tasks. It is really essential to maintain the backup of website, whereas making the
    backup of site will allow users to keep the backup of necessary file and datas for further use.

    Your each of the suggested steps to delete self-hosted wordpress site and steps to backup wordpress site are so clear, easy to understand and follow, whereas following these steps will be helpful. Your suggested steps to delete wordpress account are also great.

    As this post will help several user who are willing to delete their wordpress account.

    Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.


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