High-performing and reliable web hosting is vital for a successful website. When you are thinking of building a website, your choice of web host is one of the crucial decisions you have to take.
Choosing an unreliable web host can be tragic and affects your website and business. It is better to select a reliable web host for your website. Finding a web hosting provider is not an easy job. There are hundreds of thousands of web hosting providers in the industry. Your job is made easy; I have a recommendation for you, MilesWeb.
MilesWeb is a web hosting company founded in the year 2012. They offer reliable and cost-effective web hosting services to customers worldwide. MilesWeb has received many positive reviews on different review platforms.
It is vital to select the right web hosting service in addition to the web hosting provider. Ther different types of hosting services are, shared hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, affordable dedicated server plans and reseller hosting. When looking for web hosting services, most companies either go for shared hosting plans or robust plans like a dedicated server.
In between these two options try VPS hosting server that allows clients to host multiple websites on a piece of a virtual private server. VPS hosting is highly robust and offers you the highest level of speed, performance and security to your website.

Advantages of VPS Hosting:
- VPS is faster and more reliable than a shared server.
- The server resources are guaranteed. Thus, there are zero fluctuations in the available resources.
- Traffic surges do not affect the performance of your website.
- You get root access to the server, where you can customize it according to your needs.
- A higher level of privacy and security you get with a VPS server.
Also, there are two types of VPS hosting, managed and unmanaged VPS hosting. Managed VPS hosting is basically a service where you don’t have to worry about server management. The hosting provider takes care of all the security updates, monitoring, and much more.
And with unmanaged VPS hosting, you are responsible for managing the complete server. This review is for you that will guide you to know about the best VPS hosting provider, MilesWeb. We will cover their managed VPS hosting features, plans and pricing.
Managed VPS Plans & Pricing
All the managed VPS plans of MilesWeb are powered by KVM virtualization technology and deliver excellent speed, performance and security.
You get guaranteed server resources for your website that delivers maximum security, uptime, and speed.
For VPS hosting, there are six plans available. V1 is the introductory plan that costs A$ 12 per month on a one-year subscription. With this plan, you get 1vCPU, 1 GB RAM, 40 GB SSD disk space, 1TB bandwidth, one dedicated IP address, and a free control panel. With the control panel, you can manage your VPS hosting account.
V6 is an advanced plan that costs A$ 335/mo on a one-year subscription. The resources included with this plan are 8 vCPU, 32 GB RAM, 640 GB SSD Disk, 7 TB Bandwidth, 1 Dedicated IP, and a free control panel.
From the six plans, you can select a plan that best meets the requirements of your website and, it fits your budget.
Reasons to Opt MilesWeb’s VPS
Here are the reasons to opt MilesWeb’s VPS hosting:
Full Root Access
Even though MilesWeb offers fully managed VPS hosting, there are times you need to customize the server for yourself. Thus, you get full root access that allows you to customize the server in the way you want. You can access and transfer files securely with the Secure Shell Transfer Protocol.
KVM Virtualization
KVM virtualization technology is incorporated on MilesWeb’s VPS servers. With this, you get to allocate resources just like no single user can utilize more than their fair share. You get fully dedicated and isolated resources with this. KVM also prohibits the problem of resource overselling.
Intel Xeon Processors
Intel Xeon processors are included on MilesWeb’s VPS servers. The Intel Xeon processors are the newest processors with the highest number of CPU cores. They are best for handling resource-heavy websites or applications. You receive top-notch performance with this.
Guaranteed Server Resources
You get guaranteed server resources for your website or application with MilesWeb’s VPS hosting. You don’t have to share the resources with any other user and, you can use them for hosting your mission-critical website or application. The server resources are 100% guaranteed, so there are no fluctuations in the resources available.
SSL Encryption
An SSL encryption is included for free with MilesWeb’s VPS plans. SSL certificate adds security to your website and improves the SEO rankings of your website. It safeguards your website and keeps you away from threats and attacks.
Best Features of MilesWeb’s VPS
- A 24×7 support is provided with MilesWeb’s managed VPS hosting plans.
- You get a 99.95% uptime guarantee provided with the company’s robust server infrastructure and Tier-4 data center.
- 30 Day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the services.
If you are looking for the best VPS hosting provider in the industry, MilesWeb is an excellent option for you. VPS hosting is a popular choice because it is as powerful as a dedicated server and delivers consistent performance to your website.
MilesWeb offers the best VPS hosting service for your high-traffic websites or applications.